Wednesday, August 26, 2015


Ever had those moments when life attacks you? *Whomph!* Well, this is in a good way I suppose. Work was getting a little quiet around here with all the staff on summer vacation. Now their back. My desk is a mess, my office is swamped with hardware, and my email inbox looks like a street after the 4th of July! Ah well, *job security* everyone says. In my opinion, that phrase is a bit overused at this point. I hear it about 5 times a week. You know, thats 20 times a month. :P

Anywho, I am determined to not fall behind on my blog posts, but you may see the odd rant here and there without a lot of learning or new ideas behind it. I'll try to make up for these with lengthy over-researched posts when I have more time (like last week's rant).



Scamper said...

That will be me next week. This week its waiting time because I have several emails out there just waiting for teachers to get back to their desks. Next week, it will be crazy as I will be gone for 2 days and come back to - Nightmare!

Unknown said...

Consider this my friendly long-distance comfort hug, and an acknowledgment of the difficulty of your job. As functional tech support for the laymen who want to use the sensor my bosses sell, I feel your pain (though in a more distant, less messy way).

Also, as a point of interest, do you have any work-arounds for desk job apathy? The fact that I spend eight hours a day sitting at a desk and not moving makes me rather nervous about the functionality of my legs. What are some methods you use to stay active during your free hours? Hoping for some advice.

Best wishes and lots of love from down south!

Sheepdog said...

Aw, thanks Eleanor! *returns long distance hug*! Yes, sometimes those calls can get very..ah interesting. :) I'm sure you have some good stories to tell as well. :P I know I've gotten a few entertaining calls.

I do tend to get very antsy when sitting around for long periods of time. I'm not sure if this works as well with a front-desk job, but I will often take myself on a short stroll down the hallways of my school, (although I often get stopped in the hallway when I do so). Or, if the weather is good, I walk around a bit outside here and there. I will listen to music quite often when working on a longer project that requires concentration, either with headphones, or quietly on speakers. I've heard great things about those standing desks, but I've never tried one. After work, I try to make a point to walk and check the mail, or walk around the block or something, although as often as not, I'll crash on the couch. *bad me*. I'm working on that. :) The bunnies would suggest baking cookies in the kitchen as that is *exercise*. However, I have found the cookies rather defeat the point of exercise!

Anyway, hope these suggestions help, and that things are going well for you!

Sheepdog said...

Eeek! Nighmares next week! yes, Scamper, it will be the same here! Haha.... yeah. All kinds of fun! At least I'll have Th. Fr. 10 hour days each to make up for lost time. :P

Unknown said...

For you, I share this thing a coworker sent to me. :) Enjoy.

Sheepdog said...

Ooh, sounds fun! I'll have to look at it when I have more time. :)