Wednesday, August 19, 2015

A gust of wind at the coast

August 4th
Summer never feels complete without a trip to the beach. And although my master’s anniversary was a few months ago, they felt it was time to have a belated anniversary! They reasoned it was also a great wat to try out the new car on a road trip. And they let me come! (I shudder to think what the bunnies will be up to when I return!). The road trip was great! We even stopped to get some Coffee, and the lady gave us a free stamp card for the beach. Once we arrived, the first thing we did was stop by a kite repair shop so my master could fix his kite. It took a while, but they had plenty of spare parts, and pretty soon the kite was looking as good a new. We saw some rain, which gave the entire beach a fresh clean air sort of smell, and made the sun on Sat. and Sun. even more wonderful! There is nothing quite like kite flying when you’re in the right mood, and although paws make it hard to steer, it was very entertaining. Each morning, I went for a stroll down the beach, quiet, and alone with my thoughts before my masters woke up. It was such a feeling of peace without the constant parade of the bunnies too! The unit was a little small, but well furnished, with a comfy bed I took naps on while my masters were out. On Saturday we lit a fire on the beach, and when a neighbor’s fire wouldn’t start, I carried over a burning log from our fire to help them start theirs. They returned the favor later that night with an extra log for our fire when it was burning low. The only thing that would have made it more perfect is if the fog was gone so we could see the stars, but we had a good time anyways. J

Of course when we came back, the bunnies were in the middle of trying to auction all my favorite toys and books on ebay, so I had to stop them.

Well, that’s all for now!

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