Tuesday, October 28, 2014

ZOMBIES!!! - aaaahhhhhhhh!!

Good Afternoon,
In the light of Halloween coming on a Friday this year, something extra creepy is bound to happen! Well...what if the zombies came? Are you prepared? Here is a quick overview on how to survive the zombie apocalypse:

There are 2 main methods to gearing up for a zombie apocalypse: Planned, and Un-prepared.

Store supplies for 90 days. While supplies will eventually run out anyway, 3 months is enough to get started, or travel a considerable distance if you need. You will need two main categories of equipment: food and supplies.

Food should be packable:
…able to keep for long periods of time, and contain plenty of protein and nutrients. You will also need jugs of water. Anything, including tap water may be the source of the infection. Canned goods, cliff bars, MRE’s, and vacuum sealed goods all make for great long term provisions. Don’t forget to grab any fresh food from your cupboards as you leave however. Who knows the next time you may get a fresh piece of fruit.

Supplies should include all the necessities:
Be sure to include Medications (as much as possible, zombies tend to target hospitals, as the prey there is easier to catch), Flashlights, floodlights, any kind of light really, batteries, matches, cooking set lots of rope (you can never have too much rope), a few small knives and tools for basic repairs and construction. You will obviously want defensive weapons, such as knives, guns, etc. However, these may be obtained on the run or as you go. Zombies will rarely haunt gun shops (unless they are much cleverer than we give them credit for). You will probably want to grab your entire wardrobe, as well as boots, sunglasses, first aid kit and book, and of course, giant garbage bags, chicken wire, and duct tape.

…And a few pleasantries:
Surviving the zombie apocalypse will be a terrible experience, so you may as well have some pleasantries if at all possible. Look at Walle the robot. He collected spoons and forks. You’re not packing for a lightweight trip, you may be on the move for months or even years. Bring your cellphone, laptop, books, games, remote control car (hey, these can be very useful), pet drone, teddy bear, whatever helps you get through those long days on watch.

Communications devices are paramount. Sure, you may be the only one on earth, but that’s very unlikely. Set up any mobile accounts you can on your laptop (sidenote, you will want to get a satellite card for your laptop) including facebook, twitter, skype, anything. Zombies hate facebook. Get a pair of shortwave radios, and keep a large supply of batteries. When all else fails, use sharpies to write messages about where you are going, how long you may be gone, etc. Zombies can’t read, at least not yet…

Some final words on packing:
Bring as much medicine supplies as you can get your hands on. Did is say this already? Well, it’s important. Bring band-aids, bleach, alcohol, ibuprofen, aspirin, a gallon of hand sanitizer, superglue, needles, etc. Also, bring your shower kit. Pack about 3 times your usual supply of everything from toothpaste to toilet paper, to shampoo.

A word on everything else:
First, transportation. You need to be mobile. Make sure you have access to a couple of vehicles, at least one must be all-terrain, and preferably suitable for diesel fuel. Diesel is not as efficient, but it tends to last longer, and you can always siphon it from semi trucks. It may not be a bad idea to have a bicycle as well. They are slower than cars, but you can outrun the average zombie on a bike. Get a good mountain bike designed to handle rough terrain. A note on weapons: you can have all the weapons in the world, but they won’t help much unless you’re at least an average shot. Go to a firing range, get some practice in before the world falls apart. You should learn to hunt as well. If at all possible, find a generator, or collect car batteries and begin daisy-chaining them.

Suppose you are completely un-prepared for a world-wide apocalypse. Zombies are invading and you need to leave now. What do you do? First of all, avoid the freeway. That’s about the dumbest thing you can do. The freeway will be crowded, and a mass of zombies will be there already. You need to find a defensible position. Secondly, you need supplies for the short term. Begin with yourself. Bundle up in layers, and grab a pair of boots, a flashlight, and some protein for the road. Get a weapon, the longer the range the better. You also want any set of maps you can get your hands on, geographical or other. Depending on what is happening outside, you must make a decision whether to hide out, or immediately evacuate. If you choose to hide out, pick a basement, or underground shelter. This serves to protect you from the elements, or any airborne illness. Immediately find a safe water source, such as water jugs or bottles. Store as much as you can. At some point however, you will probably need to evacuate, and search for a longer term hideout. This may be in town, if there are not many zombies in your town, or it may be a long ways away, in the forest or such. Either way, you want an escape plan. Plan carefully, and stockpile on anything you can get that is listed in the Planned section above. Raid grocery stores, hardware stores, even other houses that are abandoned. Finally, find other survivors if possible. Staying alive is much easier with a group.

Happy Halloween!

*Most information has been adapted from wikihow.com*

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