Friday, February 12, 2016

Friday Fun at Work

Hello Chaps! If you're anything like me, Fridays are very hard to ruin. Monday's are easy, just wake up, and already your filled with Monday morning dread (especially if your Garfield). However, Friday's are just the opposite. While you're busy daydreaming about your evening and weekend plans, here are a few ways to have fun while you are still at your desk:

1. Smile a lot. Tell people Happy Friday. It's like saying Merry Christmas, or Happy Easter! It just spreads the joy around. Or, allows the opportunity to ask someone what they may have planned for the weekend. 

2. Treat yourself. Go on, you deserve it! Bring a cup of cocoa into the office, or take yourself to starbucks before work. Already at work? Drive to the corner mart and pick up a candy bar or something. It doesn't have to be large, or expensive. It could be a box of tic tacs.

3. If you are in a place that allows music on your break, watch a youtube video, or find a few new songs you like to listen to. Here's a trick: you can download youtube songs to your computer so you can listen to the music without the interruption of adds and other videos.

4. Find a comic or fun picture and print it out. Hang it up by your desk! Or, if you have a whiteboard, draw a silly face on it.

5. If you are feeling particularly generous, pick up something tasty for the staff lounge.

6. Take a piece of printer paper and make a paper airplane. It may seem kiddish, but that's what Fridays are all about! Here's a great site for folding: 

7. Find  a website with fun lists, like "you know your from Oregon if" or other silly lists like "awesome office pranks".

8. Play a harmless prank on someone. :) Granted, it should be someone who appreciates humor!

9. Teach yourself to memorize numbers! My favorite sets are: Pi, Power's of 2, and the Fibonacci Sequence.

Pi: 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693... That should get you started
Power's of 2: 2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048,4096,8192, 16384, 32768...
Fibonacci Sequence (also known as the bunny problem, where you add the previous 2 digits to get the next digit in the sequence): 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,233,377,610,987,1597...

Or, make your own sequence! 

10. Throw sprinkles and confetti at everyone you see!! 

Enjoy your Friday!!


Unknown said...

Paper airplanes!

Instead of having fun at work on Monday like I thought I would (because it was a holiday and not supposed to be a full day) I ended up sending 113 emails.
My emailing muscles are sore!

Sheepdog said...

Paper airplanes, yay! Except you can't make paper airplanes out of emails... unless you print them out first!