Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Feeling Hobbit-y

Hello Again!
Well, Halloween has come and gone. It took a few days, but the sugar high's are over, my eyes have stopped twitching and my tail is no longer tied in a knot, and my teeth are rotting out. Time to start thinking about holiday baking! Too soon? Well, okay then. We can talk about Hobbits instead.

Hobbits, for those of you who have lived in a hole and arn't Hobbits yourselves, are a fictitious race of little people imagined up by J.R.R. Tolkien, author of The Lord of The Rings. While the movies have only recently come out, the books have been out for some 70 years! If you haven't read them yet, I highly encourage it. They are perfect nice, slow reading books for the cold November month, and best read to when there is a storm outside. But I digress. Hobbits are a curious people, only about 3 feet high or so, with lots of curly hair, a healthy appetite, and tend to be a fairly good humor. They like lots of meals (10 meals a day if they can get them), they use simple tools and are, as a general rule, farmers. While they may seem quaint, or soft, Hobbits are indeed a very interesting people, preferring peace and jollyment (is that a word) to squabbles and fighting. They can be a very resilient people when called upon. Overall, they are a splendid people, and we have a lot to learn from them. Here is a quick list of how to live more like a Hobbit:

- Hobbits enjoy all kinds of food, generally homeade, and take great pride in their pantry's and larders. With the Holiday's coming up, bake a pie! Make some fresh chili or stew. :)

- Take a hike or walk through the woods. Don't bring your phone or even your camera. Your here to enjoy nature, not post about what a great time you had on Facebook. :) If you fancy company, bring a friend.

- Hobbits are not overly known for publishing literature, but they love a good story. Read, listen to, or make up a story to warm the evening chill.

- Hobbits love having a fire, tea, and a warm blanket on cold winter months. This can be one of life's secret joys.

- Hobbits don't just party, they go all out. Bilbo's birthday went on all day, emptied the entire county of it's food stores, and several businesses besides. Hobbits also give away gifts on their birthdays, sort of party favors, but more elaborate. Make a spectacle! Cause a scene!

- Hobbits are friendly, as a rule. Go out on the town, or invite some people over, try drawing or painting. Remember, life isn't only about work, sleep, and the occasional tv show. You don't have to live for the weekends, evenings are great for activities. :)

- They also have a tenancy to walk around barefoot. But then, Hobbit feet are very tough, If you can manage it, take a walk barefoot in the grass, it can be very fun!

Enjoy your fall afternoon! I think this week I shall have to bake a pie. :) Or cake. Everyone likes cake.


Unknown said...

:D I love Hobbits. I wish I was one. Life would be simpler, I think. More pleasant. Less money, more food. *nods* I think maybe we should start a Hobbit commune for Hobbits-at-heart. Secede from the US.

Sheepdog said...

A hobbit-ish village eh? somewhere in the foothills, away from those bothersome dwarves. I'm sure that some Hobbits will be inexplicably called away on mysterious adventures though...

Unknown said...

DISTURBERS OF THE PEACE!!! But I suppose as long as they don't mind having their houses and property repossessed by the community, I will allow it. :)

Sheepdog said...

Haha! Poor Billa :P

Scamper said...

I like Hobbits! I like the reminders to enjoy life. What a splendid gift!