Monday, October 26, 2015

Pumpkin's and ...Pie?

Greetings, 'Tis the season for Pumpkin Carving! We spent a few hours carving up some home-grown pumpkins from Frankenstein's pumpkin patch. They came out pretty well if I do say so myself :) See if you can guess which movie/game each pumpkin is from. I'll give you some hints: a) A GIANT MUSHROOM!! Maybe it's friendly!!! b) A creepy Castle, glowing eyes, and a funny character in a red jumpsuit. c) Are you my Mummy? d) Apple????

 Anyway, we had a lot of fun! Pumpkin carving is an essential part of Halloween, and one really doesnt need a lot of skill to have fun. Pumpkin C was carved by a first-timer! And all pumpkins were attacked by the rabbits, who had copious amounts of sugar during the entire project. The weather has also cooled off I think this time for good (crosses paws). It is finally officially sweater weather! Also, those of you mathematically inclined to bake a pumpkin pie and write PI on the top of it should watch this video: In summary: 2 PI = 1 Tau Well, that's all for now!

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