Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Weather Here (WET)

Good Marning, woof woof, *shakes water off*
Well, after my morning walk in the rain, I thought I would pass along some true-isms about Washingtonians. These have been around for a while, but they are still humourus.

You know you're from Washington/Oregon when:

Use the words "sun breaks" and know what it means.
Consider if it doesn't have snow on it or has not recently erupted, regardless of altitude, it is a "hill" not a mountain.
Only honk your car horn if a collision is imminent, NEVER for anything else.
Personally know someone from Alaska.
Consider swimming an indoor sport.
Think skiing always means being covered from head to toe, in snow or water.
In winter, go to work in the dark and go home in the dark, but only have an eight hour day.
You know all the important seasons: Almost Winter, Winter, Still Raining and Road Construction.
You buy new sunglasses every year, because you cannot find your old ones.
You measure distance in hours.
You think people who use umbrellas must be tourists.
You get a bad sunburn on the first really nice day of summer.
You become frightened by the bright yellow orb in the sky until the 9-1-1 operator tells you it's just the sun...

You can endure 100 days of rain and wind but an inch of snow means school cancellations.
When you think wearing a hooded sweatshirt 11 months a year is normal.
You get mad when people don’t use their blinker
you can identify 5 different apples by taste and smell only.
You can smell the rain coming...
When you visit another state and it rains...and all the other people around you run and scream while you continue to slowly walk around in your flip flops and shorts.
You know the difference between "showers followed by rain" and "rain followed by showers".
Any idiot can be a weatherman, just point and say, “partly cloudy, partly sunny, with a chance of rain”.
You can point to at least 2 volcanoes even if you can't actually see them through the cloud cover.
Your first outdoor chores in the spring are killing the moss in your lawn and removing pine needles from your roof and gutters.
You’re shocked when people go to the beach and actually go into the ocean.
Flip-flops are a year-round thing.
You have to know what time of day someone’s traveling in order to tell them how long it will take to get somewhere.
You have no concept of humidity without precipitation.
You’re extremely picky about your coffee.
You can taste the difference between Dutch Bro’s, and Starbucks.

You can tell it’s summer because the rain is warmer.

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