Friday, October 4, 2013

Story Write

Hey, this is shaggy,

Today I will be going over a few scenes from books which may never be published. These scenes are inspired by similar works of fiction, so don’t expect them to be totally original. Some people focus on their characters, and let them tell a story. I don’t have too many voices in my head, and most of them never quite turn into characters. Don’t get me wrong, I am fascinated by different people, personalities and attitudes but I prefer to observe and appreciate rather than to find my own. Someday they will come creeping in, but I am a visual person who prefers creating scenery and scenarios. Perhaps someone can come along by with characters to fit the scenes. Alrighty, here is the first one:

The boy who changed the school

Scenario, a young boy, maybe around 16 or so enters a large school. He is different but no one notices at first. While many books focus on internal differences, such as family situation, recent move, or otherwise, I have always thought it would be fun to have my character vastly different, with a physical flaw that would stand out. I am curious how a character would react to this. In this particular scenario, the boy would have the unique ability to grant xmen like powers to whomever he shakes hands with. These powers would include things such as the ability to breathe underwater, run fast, telepathy and more. As the story goes, this young boy tries to make friends, but avoids physical touch like shaking hands. He slips up a few times though; he shakes hands with a few teachers including his math teacher. These teachers begin acting strangely, one of them gets promoted to vice principal within a month, the other seems to start diminishing slowly. A third teacher is given the ability to see out of the back of her head, but most students don’t notice any difference. The plot changes when the boy meets a few friends, and winds up giving them powers. I’m not sure what powers yet, but I guess I may find out eventually. The teacher who becomes vice principal is going to be one of the antagonists. He decides he likes his ability to influence other people, and begins to make changes to the school…

SteamPunk Rises

The next scenario takes place in the steampunk era, a sub-genre of science fiction that features steam-powered machinery (wiki). One ambitious young adult, approx. 20 years old, loses a good chunk of himself during a large war. He is patched up by the best scientists of the time, but the only science they have is a sort of neo-steampunk. Then, through some unforeseen circumstance, the character is transported/teleported to a world similar to our own, but with space travel to other planets. His physical differences include a robotic arm and leg mostly hidden with his suit and canvas pants, and a bionic eye. He tries to fit in as best he can, but is outcast from the get go. His robotic limbs are made with copper, which is soft and heavy, and difficult to use. Robotic implants in the new day and age are very rare, as war has been outlawed, and medicine has improved greatly. He keeps a low profile, and eventually hires on with a Tug Transport Service group (usually called TAG, or Tug Appropriation Group). These groups would transport cargo between neighboring star systems. However, one in three groups would “lighten the load” before delivering it to the buyer, hence the nickname TAG. This TTS group was pretty honest, and would only cheat a cheater. Their particular tug was called Panes, both because it was a pain to fly, and because it had an entire ceiling made of window panes. The views were beautiful, but the panes often cracked, forcing them to close the blast shield more often than not. With pirates on the rise, and the government cracking down on unauthorized transport vessels, the TTS Group Panes was in a tight place…

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