Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Grey Days

Sometimes, a day just is grey. You curl up on the grass near your kennel and it starts to rain. Woof, and now no sunbeam to fall asleep to. However, in these days, some ray of sunshine always manages to shine through. My masters fed me hot chocolate this morning, and brought me to work with them. :) We didnt' play catch, but I got to ride in the car for a few errends. Besides that, I hear a party of some form is going on this weekend. And partys are always fun.

In other news, the hobbit is coming out in december (you know, that time of the year when humans bring big pine trees into their houses, and fluffy white stuff blankets all around). I hear it will be a really good movie, with lots of dwarfs and hobbits! I know my master considers himself a hobbit at times, so he should be really excited! woof! Squirrel! Oh there I go again, getting distracted. I began reading master's book yesterday about hobbits, and it is quite intriging. Not to say I haven't read it before, but I never noticed the Dwarf song continuing throughout the novel. If you look up the song misty mountains cold, you will find a singer by the name of shadowca7 who sings all 20+ verses. Its quite haunting, and beautiful.

Woof for now,

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