Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Hello again,

Due to an unforeseen set of circumstances, I have been unable to post anything about the game of bridge yet. I apologize, but I seem to have been taken ill of late. This past weekend, along with several days from last week, have seen me curled up on the couch coughing and wheezing. The rabbits attempted to cure me, but of their proposed solutions (including standing on my head, chasing my tail, drinking from the far side of a glass, and hiding under the bed), I opted out and just took a nap. I'm beginning to feel better now, if a little tired still. I shall endeavor to post about this historical game when I have the brain cells to do it justice. In short, I may say bridge is played very similar to 4 handed pinochle, but with a regular deck. Each team must make a bid, and try to make their bid or they lose points and pay a penalty. One of the biggest differences is points are calculated very differently.

In other news, my master is almost done with his networking course, and hopes to finish by Wednesday afternoon. I'm excited for him, because that means more time for walks, and playing fetch. He recently went to the store and picked up a trunk-load of "rabbit food", that is carrot sticks, fruit, veggies and the like. Tasty to be sure, but a smidge low on the sugar side if you ask me. oh well, we can't all have cookies all the time I suppose.

Since this is one of those blogs where I try to add a kernel of knowledge with each post, here's todays: the east coast is having a winter blizzard (named hurricane Juno), and is buried in at least 2 feet of snow. The west coast had some amazing days at the beach over the weekend, highs around 55-60s,and the weather around here foggy as normal. :P

Well, that's all for now, I think I am going to find a blanket, book and some tea while I wait for my masters to return home. Oh, and if I'm quiet, the bunnies will stay asleep.


Scamper said...

From Koda the brown bear.

Ahh well sickness grabs us all I suppose. I would not opt for standing on my head (can you image the effects of a head cold multiplied by your body cold would leave you sick in the mind?!?) But the hiding from the world always seems like a good idea. I'm glad the rabbits are behaving themselves and that the rabbit food is nourishing at least - party hats for sunday when calories don't count!

theskett said...

Great post! Glad to see Sheepdog is in fine voice! (have you thought of writing a book??)
So glad to be invited to the party (especially since it's at my house). The rabbits who live here want to know if they can come, too.
If calories don't count, what delicious delicacies can we dream up?

Scamper said...

brownies, cobbler, cake, cheesecake? cinnamon rolls, peanut buster bars - any favorites for me to make?

Scamper said...

I say the rabbits should come!!