Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Hoot Owl Diary Part 1

Well my dear lads and lassies, it appears as if sheepdog has gone on vacation for the winter, to the coast no less. I believe he is storm watching. He may make an appearance here and there, but in the meantime, I *hem hem* shall be posting stories from my diary for you all to enjoy. *Polishes Spectacles.* Let me see, *flips through pages* ah, yes here we are. I wrote this one for the little owlets after taking them to see the summer movie premier:

It was a dark and stormy night. Suddenly, a shot rang out!

 *Hoots with laughter* Just teasing my fellow readers. That was indeed the first part of Snoopy's book I believe. Anyway, on to the narrative:

"And where were you June 29th?" he asked the owl. The owl paused, blinking slowly at him. Finally, she spoke. " I'm afraid I cannot help you. I was there at the lake, but I had two little owlets with me at the time and did not see anything." Sighing, he picked up his hat and coat. "Thank you for your time."
The rain had just started as he stepped outside. He turned up his cloak and pulled it tighter around his thin frame. Grimacing, he dashed from tree to tree, trying to stay out of the increasing rain. He knew it would be a bad storm, his left footpaw had been aching all day, and his tail was all static-y. This is what you get for doing business in the rainforest district, he chided himself. He stopped running however, when he came to the pier where the tram was. Softly, he brushed the railing as he walked along it until he came to the broken spar. It had still not been fixed since the start of his career 3 years ago. He gazed at it for a few seconds before the rain pulled him away and into the tram. Once inside, he shook off his tail, and sat down on the bench. Nick took out his ZPD embossed notebook and began flipping through its pages, trying to piece together the puzzle. A rumor here, a whisper there, he sighed and snapped the notebook closed. He had nothing! 3 months of sneaking around asking questions, and he had nothing! In a sudden rage, he pounded the walls of the tram, rocking it slightly. He brushed the rainwater out of his eyes and reflected it wasn't all rainwater.
Tomorrow, just like every other day, he would wake up and report to the police station. The other officers still walked on eggshells around him, but no longer talked about it. It was as it had never happened. They had even assigned him a new partner, Francine. She was a good officer, but she wasn't Judy. The tram stopped in Midtown. He got off, and trudged slowly home in the gathering clouds. The rain had stopped when he left the Rainforest district, but it looked like rain for the center of town as well. Nick stopped when he reached an old hotel building. He unlocked the door, and stepped into room 219. He had been living there ever since June 29th. Maybe it was silly, but he felt like he couldn't go home until he solved the case. He placed his notepad inside the desk drawer alongside an old manilla envelope. The envelope contained the official police report following the incident, along with Judy Hopps' remaining personal effects. Death by accidental drowning, the report read. After all, they had reasoned, her things were found by the lake, and her body was never discovered. Nick shook his head. He refused to believe it. Something else had happened to her, she was still alive. She had to be. He had been denied access to the old police files after an officer caught him snooping around one too many times without the proper authorization. Still, he couldn't just leave it alone. After all, she was his partner. He closed the drawer and lay down to try to get a few hours sleep.


Scamper said...

oooooohhhh! What happens next??

Scamper said...

This is good, I look forward to the next *halloween installment*. Your goal should be to finish the book by then :)

Unknown said...

This is awesome!
Makes me want to write the next part, because I'm impatient to know what happens next!

Sheepdog said...

*rustles feathers* Why thank you! :D I shall try to have regular installments coming soon. I have part of the next piece written in my head, so maybe I'll have that up by Friday. :D