Thursday, May 26, 2016

A note about the Rabbits

Allo chaps!
Although their origin story is quite a bite more complicated and much more entertaining (I shall have to sit down and write it one of these days), I shall have to suffice with a piece of it. The rabbits which run around tugging my ears and asking for cookies have a sort of sixth sense. That is, they are attracted to a mood, or setting rather like a red herring. A red herring is a bright red bird (he goes by many names) and waits until a story or adventure is underway and then flys right through it like an acrobat, expecting all eyes to be on him. He then flys back out, waiting for his next act.

Where was I? Ah yes, about the rabbits. They have a similar personality, only tend to wait until the audience is almost begging for a break from the mundane. It's that moment after a long day at work, or more often, right in the middle of a long day where one asks oneself, "can anything else go wrong?" or 2.3 hours into a final exam where hysterical laughter is heard because your still on page 1 of your notes. It was during these kind of times when the rabbits came bounding in from all over.

Anyways, in a way, I rather like those hectic days, they make you appreciate the quiet days more, and leave you with a sense of accomplishment and adventure. Sort of like the "that was a horrible day, but what a story it will make!" kind of adventure.

Yesterday was rather like that, noisy neighbors, 1 day after getting over a cold, sore neck from the bunnys antics (dropped a plate of brownies and I had to run over to catch them). Then, the fire alarm goes off and the halls of my master's work get flooded!

Anyways, this is quite rambling because my brain has been used up today thinking up plans for the weekend (wot wot)! Happy Memorial Day Weekend everyone, and I'll see you next week hopefully with a story or two to tell.



Scamper said...

And I say this would be a beautiful introduction for a book!


"I find it is the little things that keep us in our seats. The moments that make the hours reasonable. The bright spots of life that take off unexpectedly that keep us wanting more. In a way, it is both the expected and unexpected, the forced and the given, those little times that take your attention, but only to deliver you. There have been many names over the centuries, many philosophies of thought for what I am trying to describe.

However, it may suffice in this little narrative of my life, to call these Brown bunny, blue bunny and grey bunny.

Did I mention they play parchisi?

Sheepdog said...

Very well put! much more cohesive than my post. :) I say sir, well done!

Scamper said...

lol well, i like your reference to the red herring! i had to try it out formelf though. Your posts are fun to read! hope gp goes well.