Thursday, March 3, 2016

British Sandwiches (and the future of the US)

For the next 9 months or so, trendy dogs and elegant cats will be listening to the news, putting on tweed jackets, taking off tweed jackets, lighting clay pipes, snuffing clay pipes, and generally acting as though the entire country is one giant sitting room with a British butler serving tea and a large grandfather clock in the corner waiting to chime in on November 4th. Never before was the American public so eager and willing to discuss the boring droning world of politics in such opulent decadence, and never again…well at least not until the next election. Most often, us Sheepdog’s like to lay on the carpet near our masters (we are not allowed on the couch in formal British sitting rooms) and steal the tiny sandwiches while they are busy talking in posh fake British Accents. However, this year, I shall attempt to lay out the situation as best as I understand it:

Every 4 years, America holds an election to determine the presidency. That’s a sort of figurehead for the country. He gets to be on TV a lot, shake people’s hands and kiss babies. You know, important stuff. The current president, Democrat B.Obama, has been president for 2 terms, or 8 years, and is ineligible to run for a 3rd term. His current approval ratings are fairly low, especially among dogs and cats. I mean, he’s never once given out treats at these presidential speeches!

Midterm Elections, so-called because they run in-between each election, are held to determine the seats in the House of Representatives, and the Senate. The Republican Party currently holds the majority in the Senate as well as the House since 2014 (I might add they give out plenty of biscuits during their sessions). However, the time has come to select a new candidate for running our country. Our options are as follows:

Candidates for 2016:
Democratic Party:
Although there are around 10 candidates, the front-runners by popularity are: Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.
Republican Party:
Although there are around 12 candidates, the front-runners by popularity are: Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, John Kasich, Marco Rubio, and Donald Trump.

During the next 9 months, we as the American public are given the ‘right’ to haggle over and bicker all we want over which tiny little circle to fill in with a number 2 pencil come voting time. We actually get to do this twice I believe, once for the primaries, and once for the actual election. Forget 40 acres and a mule, were talking about filling in bubbles here! Some advice: if you like filling in bubbles, get a copy of common sense by Thomas Paine (its a really good read), and fill in all the b’s, o’s and d's in the book.

Joking aside, who is the best candidate? What do we even know about these candidates? Well, without going on a 50 page rant, here are some highlights on this election:

Big Ticket Topics (in alphabetical order):
Foreign policy
US Debt and budget plans

When you do your research (and I advise everyone does their own research from as many sources as possible) check on each candidates stances on these topics. Feel free to add more topics that are important to you. Also, ask yourself the question: what kind of president am I looking for? Someone who has spent a lot of time in politics and knows the game, or someone who has an outside opinion? Someone who is good at compromise, or someone who sticks to their guns? Personally, I have a pair of candidates that I would vote for given the opportunity. But then, I’m just a sheepdog, and will stick to filling in my copy of common sense and stealing sandwiches.



Unknown said...

"So, what do you think of Trump?"
"Not much."
-interlude of laughter and political chatting-
"So, really, what do you think of Trump?"
"I don't."

I suppose I really should do some research...

Scamper said...

I love it! Good blog post and very funny! *munches a tiny sandwich*.
Muses for a while. Well, plaid bunny and I had quite the discussion over Trump. Personally, I think he has some good ideas, but then I find it surprising that he can talk as well as he can considering he always has a foot in his mouth.

I wouldn't be impressed with him normally. I find it strange that so many people vote for him. I also find it disruptive that so many people on social media say that Trump getting elected for the GOP is Hilary's best shot at presidency, which I believe would be a catastrophic disaster. *Munches a tiny sandwich*

To put it mildly, I don't think she has the qualifications to run a soap opera, much less the United States of America. Now, I don't think Trump is the right person to run our country either.

So the question is, who is? We need the right person who, because they are the right person, is currently sitting in the back of this very room, munching tiny sandwiches. *Gulps some lemonade*

We have had our fill of 'change'. The last 3 presidents were largely unliked. That's bad for the morale of the country. With that in mind, maybe what we need is someone that everyone likes. What a concept. *looks out at crowd* Any Davids? Solomon's? I will settle for a Peter, James, nope. How about Mary? Everyone likes Mary!

*Horks a cookies* Cough cough *drains lemonade*, well, since no Mary is standing up in the crowd, maybe if we all voted for the same lousy candidate, we can inflate their already ballooned self esteem. *Thoughtfully snacks on a cracker*. In that case, if we like one candidate ENOUGH, maybe that candidate will just do what we tell them to do. That might not be so bad. Got any Garfield or Carters in the house? Well shoot, were sunk.

Well, so long and thank you for the (hiccup) wonderful meal anyway!

Unknown said...

Scamper, I find it funny that in almost all of your comments you are eating food. If it's not horking a cookie it's scarfing a whole tube of Ritz Crackers! I know it has nothing to do with Sheepdog's sage advice, but it's hilarious.

Unknown said...

Scamper, I find it funny that in almost all of your comments you are eating food. If it's not horking a cookie it's scarfing a whole tube of Ritz Crackers! I know it has nothing to do with Sheepdog's sage advice, but it's hilarious.