Friday, November 21, 2014

A day of excitement

Good Morning Everyone!
*Yawn* It's been a rather lonely week, since both my owners have been working very odd hours. Iv'e been reduced to joining the rabbits on their crazy bored game days. The blue one keeps cheating by the way. However, they both came home early on Thursday! The bunnies ran and hid when they walked in the door (something to do with missing chess pieces I think). In any case, it turns out they were going shopping, and decided to take me on a car ride! We went to costco first, where they spent a long time in the store looking for food. Meanwhile, I was left in the car. It's not so bad though, I had tunes to listen to, had a staring contest with a shelty in a Crystler 2 spots over (and lost), and even got to bark at the birds! These seemed not to be the migratory birds, by the way. I wanted to drive around the parking lot for a little while, only I couldn't reach the pedals. :( Oh well, it may not have been the best idea.

Once we arrived home, they had a quick dinner and began baking! Pumpkin muffins, pumpkin bread, and meatloaf! And they even let me lick the bowls. That brings us to the evening. Once they settled down for the night, the bunnies insisted there was this new calvinball game they created. I was tired, but agreed to entertain them for a while. The game goes something like this:

Take a sequence board and double deck of sequence cards. Each player is dealt $100 worth of poker chips. 10 Red marker tokens are used, to mark the first 10 cards flipped over. Before the game begins, each player can bet on which cards on the board will be flipped over. Here is the betting and betting returns sheet:

Things you can bet on:
Joker                                       10:1
Exact card:                             5:1
4 Card square with a joker:    5:1
4 Card square:                        2:1
Row, or Line: (per card)         1:1

Anyway, they played until all hours of the night. It was a day of excitement though!

Enjoy your Friday!

1 comment:

theskett said...

How did I miss this post? Love Sheep Dog's voice (and the furry mutt behind it)! And your posts are getting cleaner, too. :-)
The game sounds good! I know who to call on the next time I need a game idea.... which will be SOON, as in December 13!