Terribly sorry chaps and chappesses!
Life gets in the way sometimes I suppose, and this was one of those times. Let's see, what all have I been up to these past 2 weeks? Last week was the beginning of testing. Even Bunnies have tests I suppose. I donned my monocle and clipboard and sat giving tests for a week. It was regular spring training, warrior fights, and of course, eating contests. I must say, Blue bunny did quite well, although he began nibbling on the counter and nearly got disqualified!
Then of course, we ran into some technical issues. The go-pro's the bunnies donned when practicing running and hopping were a little to heavy for them and the flopped ears over scut. naturally, we had to invent mini go-pro's about the size of a golf ball, small enough to neatly fit between their ears. Problem resolved, we then entered the quite ludicrous business of selling bunny-cams, and almost missed the final exam! Anyway, we flew to Scotland for the final exam, (hopping over a rainbow) and took third place! But then Blue Bunny lost most of our winnings (not to mention our profits from the bunny-cams) by dropping it over the ocean as we flew home. He claimed he used to throw pennies in a wishing well, and when he was a wishing well as big as the ocean he couldn't resist and make thousands of wishes while the rest of us slept. Whether that is the true story (after finding out he snuck a Parcheesi board on the plane) is anyone's guess...
For those interested in what Sheepdog's master was up to during the week and a half, it was mostly boring work stuff, and a fair bit of house cleaning. Boring things really..