It's Friday! The rabbits have taken over Sheepdog's blog while he is busy wasting another Friday night on laundry and meetings with boring strangers. Woohoo! We are going to have some insane fun while the Sheepdog is away. But... he only left us with $8.49... Oh well! We'll shoot the works! We have taken a poll from all the bunnies in the apartment, and here are our favorite votes:
Gray Bunny: Homemade Popcorn and Movie (Rented, or $5 bin at Walmart).
Homemade popcorn is surprisingly easy and fun to make, and
actually cheaper than microwave popcorn. Buy a bag of popcorn at the grocery
store, and some corn oil. Get a pot with a lid, and heat up about 2 tblspoons
oil, or enough to cover the bottom of the pan. Pour in about ¼ - ½ cup of
popcorn. Cover with lid, and shake/stir occasionally.
Gray Bunny: Hot Air popcorn maker. If you happen to have one of
these, popcorn is even faster and more fun to make! Besides, you can aim a hot
air popcorn maker at your pet/roommate and see how many they can catch in their
mouth. Caution, popcorn will be hot!
Blue Bunny Laser pointer fun. If you have a laser pointer and a camera,
turn out the lights, and see what kind of wacky-fun pictures you can get with a
laser pointer! Hint, set the shutter speed to a long time, about 5-20 seconds,
and wave the laser pointer around.
Blue Bunny: Project Time! At your local home depot, buy a couple
small pieces of pvc pipe (half inch). Borrow the tools there to cut them into 1
foot lengths. Take them home and decorate them. Then, pick up a bag of mini marshmallows
at the store. Have a marshmallow gun fight.
Brown Bunny: Buy Balloons. Balloons are fun! Water fight, taping them
to the wall and throwing sharp objects at them, playing kickball, the
possibilities are endless! Shoot marshmallows at them.
Brown Bunny: Wand! Easy! Find a stick, whittle it into a wand. Don’t
have a knife? Find one at big lots or a sporting goods store. Often, they have
fun/epic looking knives on a “super” sale for about $10 or under.
Ninja Cat next door: Watch your favorite movie, Quote the whole thing out loud
just to prove you can. Find funny voices for each character. J
All the Bunnies: Bake cookies. Need we say more? :D Try not to eat all the
dough before they are cooked.
Pegasus: Balloon Rockets: Grab some
string, a few tacks, a straw and a balloon. Tadaa! Instant balloon rocket!
10: For any of the above, play some party music or cartoons
while you are setting things up.
*Bunnies drop list and commence to eat all the cookie dough while trashing the house with all the ideas going on at once*
"Acckk! Sheepdog, help!!" - Black Kitty here and I'm hiding under the bed.