Monday, October 26, 2015

Windows 10 - Updated

Good Afternoon, After much head-shaking, hand-shaking, writing cramps, and lots and lots of sugar, we are proud to present the updated edition of surviving the move to Windows 10:

Part I – Introduction 
Upgrade to Windows 10 for Free? What does that mean? Will it wreck my computer, destroy My Documents? What if everything goes wrong? Do I have to upgrade?

We have been there too – Microsoft is now offering a deal for all users with Windows 7 and up – upgrade to their latest operating system for free. So we looked it up, researched it, and then just simply upgraded to find out what would happen.

Our Story:
Brian and I are computer gurus, we enjoy experimenting, testing and researching. But most of all, we are computer users. Every day, we have to turn on our computers, and work and play and everything has to work just right. Most of us approach computers like we do cars, we need things done now and the computer has to wake up, and work right. If something is broken, our world is broken, and we can no longer be productive. So we did the experiment for you – I upgraded my Windows 8.1 laptop in August, my brother upgraded his Windows 7 laptop in September. For the first month, all sorts of things went wrong. My keyboard wouldn’t work with the laptop, it wouldn’t turn on consistently, the startup screen froze, and it was always demanding a Microsoft Account (also free). I got the Microsoft Account, logged in, and was blown away. The screen was perfect. The start menu was back, my documents were still there, and it looked for all the world like a normal desktop should look.

My conclusion:
Microsoft released Windows 10 early. In July and August, it wasn’t ready – there were small bugs that kept things from acting normally. In September, things were starting to iron out, with some minor glitches (like the computer not hibernating when I closed the lid). In October, I have had only one glitch - Cortana sometimes doesn’t like to wake up. One week ago, my friend’s Windows 7 hard drive crashed. The big problem we all fear, that all of our data will somehow meet the datasphere death and all our hard work will be gone. My friend was running Windows 7. I received his broken computer, and with the help of my technical minded father in law, we cleaned out the inside and outside, removed malware, and booted up Windows 7. Then, we decided to just launch my poor friend into the future with Windows 10 – free upgrade (my friend is not computer savvy). We gave it back to him with Office 2010 and Windows 10. Works perfectly, I keep checking with him to ask how his computer is running. He is fine, his documents were all saved, and Windows 10 has been as good Windows 7 ever was.

Should I install Windows 10? What will change? The surprising answer is – not much. Windows 10 at its heart, is just another operating system. It is built to launch on any computer that natively can handle Windows 7 or better. It has a start screen, it has internet, and it has all the basics that you would expect. We have separated this guide into 2 sections; a quick overview of some of the new features, and a setup guide for adjusting / tweaking things like privacy settings, personalization, and cleanup.

Pumpkin's and ...Pie?

Greetings, 'Tis the season for Pumpkin Carving! We spent a few hours carving up some home-grown pumpkins from Frankenstein's pumpkin patch. They came out pretty well if I do say so myself :) See if you can guess which movie/game each pumpkin is from. I'll give you some hints: a) A GIANT MUSHROOM!! Maybe it's friendly!!! b) A creepy Castle, glowing eyes, and a funny character in a red jumpsuit. c) Are you my Mummy? d) Apple????

 Anyway, we had a lot of fun! Pumpkin carving is an essential part of Halloween, and one really doesnt need a lot of skill to have fun. Pumpkin C was carved by a first-timer! And all pumpkins were attacked by the rabbits, who had copious amounts of sugar during the entire project. The weather has also cooled off I think this time for good (crosses paws). It is finally officially sweater weather! Also, those of you mathematically inclined to bake a pumpkin pie and write PI on the top of it should watch this video: In summary: 2 PI = 1 Tau Well, that's all for now!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

The Small Things

Today is one of those days where I count the small victories. :) The past 2 months have been crazy busy (hence the belated blog posts). Unfortunately, it also means I've dropped the ball on some people here and there, mainly at work. *Sigh* It happens I guess, but I still feel bad. Just today I was reminded of a Printer that needs a driver (from last week), a Lan School program from 1 month ago, among others. I have notes on most of my tickets, but some just slip through the cracks. In any case, most people are wonderfully forgiving. They know life can get hectic, and are perfectly willing to wait a bit until I have other things under control and taken care of. Even though I am 2 days behind at work (from being sick) today has been a good day. I now have tags for my car Hooray!! I also finished a small writing project for the weekend, and am working on setting up a new lab of computers. I started the day out behind, and I'll be behind when I finish my work, but that's the way it goes sometimes. Anyway, the sun is shining, tomorrow is Friday, and God has my back. All in all I'd say I have plenty to be happy about. Hmm, this is a bit more of a musing post and less of a Math / Tech post. I'll work on the math/tech posts when my brain is more in gear. :) Enjoy! Sheepdog

Friday, October 9, 2015

Month Off

Good Afternoon all, I'm sorry for the month hiatus, I had meant only to take a week or so off, but then... life got in the way. Let's see, what is new? School is back in session, which has been keeping my master busy, along with ongoing car maintenance. I believe cars cost more time than money! I have been writing a fair bit actually, just not on my blog. I've been helping Otter with some Math Units, which has been lots of fun, but also quite the project! Oh! Fall is officially here, with all it's leaf changing and cloudy wonderfullness!! Anyway, expect a posts to start up again, especially with nanowrimo coming up soon! Also, this is a pretty good time to start Christmas shopping / looking. Often items go on sale about now as stores get ready for a ton of new inventory coming in for the holidays. And if the item isn't on sale, you can still make a note of what the "regular" price is, as prices go up and down all through the holidays. Aside from being a deal-hunter, I also enjoy the feeling of buying gifts for people, it's one of my love languages, and it puts me in a festive mood for Christmas. That, and all the shoppers madly dashing all over town 3 days before Christmas can be a very dangerous sport! :) Enjoy your Friday!!