Thursday, July 2, 2015


Good Morning and happy Thursday everyone!

For the past week or so, my masters have been looking at cars, researching what kind to get, and how much to spend. There are hundreds and thousands of cars on craigslist, especially around large cities, so the question becomes, which car to pick? Model, Year, Mileage, Price, Wrecks...etc. Aaack!!! I was teaching myself Cherry Slap Jack at the time, but here are snippits of the conversations I was overhearing:

B - "Here's a Jeep for only 3,500, it's lifted and has new tires"
K - "But do we really need a lifted Jeep?"
B - "It would be great for camping trips!! *Puppy Eyes*"
K - "Well, you can get it if you want, but the mileage is awfully high, and it's old enough to drink"
B - "LOL good point, maybe something newer then"
K - " Ooh pretty mustang!"
B - "Hmm, 130k miles, bright red, clean title, looks great! ...Oh, but it's 7200...
K - *Really Big Puppy Eyes*
B - "I suppose we could ask about it, but that's a lot..."
K - "No, you're right, oooh Here's a Ford Focus, 2500$, only 120k miles, clean title...
B - "Let me see... yeah, it looks great! And it's a 4 door too."
K - "Okay, I'll send them an email about it"

This conversation goes on, but I won't bore you. I was thinking though, that that is a difference when picking anything out with a spouse vs. picking something out for one'self. A spouse can offer a voice of reason, or simply another opinion. It was fun hearing them converse and ask each other what might be best, and it's always nice to have a friend when prowling craigslist to catch something you may have missed. The other thing I found touching was their thought and concern for each other. B wanted K to replace her car first because of it's leaky trunk, cracked windshield, and strange engine noise. Meanwhile, K wanted B to replace his car first because of the struts, shocks, and trunk seal. When your focus is on the safety of someone else ahead of your own, it's a good place to be.

Oh, and the bunnies turned on a Jurassic Park Movie later that night so no one got any sleep. :P
