Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Math comes in all forms...

Less Known Mathematicians:

Calvin and Hobbes Math:
1.   What is 7 plus 3?
          7+3 = 73
What is 3 plus 8?
          Assign the answer a value of x. x always means multiply, so take the numerator (that’s Latin for number eighter) and put that on the other side of the equation. That leaves you with 3 on this side, so what times 3 equals 8? The answer is of course, 6.
2.   What is 9 plus 4?
          Ooh, that’s a tricky one. You have to use calculus and imaginary numbers for this. You know, eleventeen, thirty-twelve, and all those. It’s a little confusing at first.

Fox Trot Math:
1.   Using a straightedge and compass, it is impossible to construct friends.
2.   What is the decimal equivalent of 1/10?
          This is way too easy. Therefore, it must be a typo. I’m sure the test meant something challenging like 1/sqrt (2).

Rabbit Math
1.   What is 1 plus 1?
          365,211 (Rabbits that is)
2.   What is one batch of cookies plus another batch of cookies?
          A mess in the kitchen, and several very hyper bunnies.
3.   How long does it take to eat a batch of cookies?
          Depends. How many bunnies are awake, and how close are they to the kitchen?

Sheepdog Math
1.   What is 3+3?
          *Yawn* 9….
2.   What is 2/3*3/4?
          6/12 = ½ or .5 *zzzz*

1.   “Cut an apple in half…”
          Sally: “That’s fractions!! You’re trying to teach me fractions! You know I’ll never understand fractions! What are you trying to do to me? I’ll go crazy! I’ll..”
2.   Peppermint Pattie is the only person to ever have gotten an A in sleeping on her report card.

Life and Rabbits

Allo to all you chaps and chappesses out there:

Since my last few posts have been dedicated to science and space exploration, I thought it was about time for a status update. Since my last duel with lightsabers (I ended up losing by the way), I have found some small amount of time to work on projects while my masters are at work. I have made some GF Banana bread, as well as a batch of cookies (which the rabbits stayed away from, as they dislike GF). I have also acquired and fixed an older remote control car, which has been fun to play with. The weather has been very nice lately, although I may be the only sheepdog on the block who enjoys rain and clouds. :P It was warmed up though, and the rain is much more tolerable at 58 degrees than at 38 degrees. I've made a few walks to the library to check out books (although it's rather difficult to carry them in my mouth on the way home). The rabbits sometimes come with me, but I make them wait outside the library, otherwise they will most likely trash the place.

And, that's about it for the important news! Here is a brief world-news report for those interested: The apple watch is out and in stores, the middle east (and parts of Russia) are still in turmoil (along with Nepal, courtesy of an earthquake). Google and Apple are joining a petition to reject Obama's plan to build in government backdoors into anything electronic (including phones computers and waffle irons). Oh, and we may run out of internet by the end of summer. You know, no big deal. Little things. ;)

I will try to post another blog later this week, as I may be tied up next week.

by for now!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Star Wars Stuff!

Happy May the 4rth (erm, 5th)!

Many star wars fans greeted one another in excitable fashion yesterday, saying things like May the 4rth be with you, and other nonsense. Coffee stands dressed up and served Chewbacca's Han Solo's, and General Grieves's cure for the common cold (also known as chai tea), and the dog park was filled with dueling dogs with lightsabers. I took no part myself, and merely watched while eating an R2D2 burrito.

I brought along a very special friend to talk about space travel, and how close we are to building a Millennium Falcon. Her name is Braille the cat, and she has a B.A. in applied physics, and a PHD in haberdashery. She is also blind in one eye, but it doesn't seem to hamper her greatly. I present: Braille.

*Ahem* Thanks, as mentioned, I am a cat with many talents. I have lived a varied life, and spent most of my study learning about various methods of propulsion. To build a Millennium Falcon, we will obviously need some form of warp drive mechanism. In this day and age, we have 3 possibilities, as no one has truly created a warp drive or discovered dilithium.

Our first option is regular propulsion. Rockets and standard engines burn fuel at enormous rates to propel them forward. On earth this isn't an issue, cars get 30mpg, and can go quite a ways on a tank of gas, very quickly. An average car traveling 60 miles per hour on the freeway is traveling almost 30 meters per second (in space I will be referring to objects traveling in m/s). If the car gets low on fuel, it can stop at a gas station.
In space, as you may have guessed, there are no gas stations. Any fuel we need must be brought up with us. This is the primary problem with rocket propulsion. However, it is fast. The more we burn fuel, the faster the rocket goes. And in space, things don't really slow down. There is no air resistance, so an object moving tends to stay moving. Overall, rocket fuel is excellent for short missions, but fairly useless if you want to travel to mars, then to Jupiter and back again.

Our second option is Ion propulsion.
It sounds very futuristic, but the truth is, Ion propulsion is already being used by our latest generation satellites and probes. Simply put, Ion propulsion take a charged element, like xenon, and strips the ions away and burns them to create thrust. Ion thrusters use very little energy, and take a long time to get up to speed. Imagine your car taking 48 hours to get from 0-60mph. However, they can travel for years before they need to refuel or be repaired. These are a great option, but lack the true speed for warp drive. Xenon, a common propulsion element for Ion thrusters, is also expensive, and hard to obtain.

Our third option is EM, or ElectroMagnetic propulsion.
This option may have potential, but no one has created a solid working prototype yet. It is largely theoretical. The basic idea is to blast a cone shaped container with magnetic waves, like a microwave. If you blast it with enough waves, they begin bouncing around, eventually hitting the small end of the cone, kind of like pouring juice down a funnel. This would create the thrust needed in space. Why is this idea so radical? Because unlike Ion or rockets, it requires only electrical current, and does not require fuel. Given a couple of EM thrusters, and a lot of solar panels, a probe could get up to speed as fast as a rocket, and never run out of energy. However, as I mentioned above, it is still in the theoretical stage.

Our best bet? Steal from the aliens who live on mars. I'm sure they have warp drives and space craft. Mwahahaha!

*Sheepdog backs away from Braille slightly* "...Okay, thanks for that Braille." Now, ahem, I think I'll take a stroll.


"Braille here, and I get the last word, Ha!"